Mr Majula Hewage , Sinhala Language teacher at Richmond College, guided him for this victory
Mr Majula Hewage , Sinhala Language teacher at Richmond College, guided him for this victory
To mark the 50th anniversary of independence of Singapore ,Singapore Government organized SG 50 Singapore International Jamboree with the participation of 5000 scouts from different countries.The jamboree was held at Sarimbun Scout Camp in Singapore from 17th to 22 nd of November. Representing Sri Lanka , two Richmond Scouts , Manindu Pawan and Dasun Abeynayake participated in the event.
Photograph Left to Right,
Manindu Pawan, Mr Sampath Weragoda – Principal ,Mr Piyasiri Kumarage -Deputy principal , Dasun Abeynayake
All Island Under 14 Badminton Tournament 2016 came to its end recently at the Richmond College premises. Displaying brilliant performances Richmond Under 14 badminton playerswon the championship of the Super A category ,giving all the other teams a good challenge.
The members of the victorious team were Kalindu Pehesara,Hasal Induwara,Sadew mendis C haniru Manmitha ,Maheesha Wethmin,Sasmitha Gunawardena and Sathush Nanayakkara
Mrs Aruni Abeypala and Mrs Renuka Wimalasooriya act as the teachers in charge while ,Mr Pavithra Abeysirigunawardena guides these players for these victories
56 Kg Weight Category – First place
Punsara Oshan Jayasundara
85 Kg weight Category -2nd place
Thimesh Jayasuriya
56 Kg Weight Category -Third Place
42 Kg Weight Category – Third place
While Mr. Jayantha Hettiarachchi guides these students for these victories as the master in charge of the college weight lifting pool, higher enthusiasm of the principal, Mr Sampath Weragoda is behind them as the driving force.
Kavinda Hirushan,Aditha Pinsara,Mr Jayantha Hettiarachchi,Mr Sampath Weragoda – Principal, Punsara Jayasundara,Thimesh Jayasuriya.
Richmond Reading Camp
Richmond College Library organized a Reading Camp on 06th October 2016 to mark the National Reading Month. The main target of this novel project was to improve the reading habit of the students as a hobby. This reading camp , a new concept of the present Principal, was an open event for all the students of the college. Mrs Muditha Kariyawasam, the Librarian , the library staff and the members of the Richmond Readers’,circle organized the venture.
ජාතික කියවීමේ මාසය නිමිත්තෙන් රිච්මන්ඩ් විද්යාලයීය පුස්තකාලය මඟින් කියවීමේ කදවුරක් 2016.10.06 දින පවත්වන ලදි. සිසුදරුවන්ගේ කියවීමේ රුචිය වර්ධනය කිරීමේ වස් විදුහල්පති සම්පත් වේරගොඩ මහතාගේ උපදෙස් පරිදි පුස්තකාලාධිපතිනිය මුදිතා කාරියවසම් මහත්මිය ඇතුළු විද්යාලයීය පුස්තකාල පාඨක සමාජය විසින් මෙය සංවිධානය කරන ලදි.
ඔක්තෝබර් 18 වන දින, දහවල් 50 නමකට සඟසතු මහා දානමය පිංකම.
මෙයට සමගාමීව කුඹල්වැල්ල ශ්රී පූර්වාරාම විහාරස්ථානයේ දී ද පිංකම් රාශියක් සිදු කරනු ලබයි. ඒ අතර අපවත් වී වදාළ අති පූජනීය හියාරේ ප්රඥාාලංකාර මහා නාහිමි අති පූජනීය කණුමුල්දෙණියේ සිරි සෝරත මහා නාහිමි සහ 2008 ඔක්තෝබර් 18 දින අපවත් වූ අතිපූජ්ය වලස්මුල්ලේ ප්රධාන අධිකරණ සංඝනායක නාහිමිපාණන් වහන්සේ මූලික විහාරස්ථානයේ අපවත් වූ සියළු හිමිවරුන් සහ සතර පේරුවේ දායක පිංවතුන් සමරා පුණ්යානුමෝදනය සිදු කිරිමටද බලාපොරොත්තු වේ.
The workshop was held on 28th , 29th and 30th of September at the college hostel premises and the participants could get a perfect knowledge on entire practical lessons prescribed for their syllabus including physics , chemistry and biology. College science teachers volunteered in organizing and conducting the workshop under the coordination of Mr B.C.A.Hemantha, the deputy principal and the teachers of science Mr Ranjith Gamage and Mr Pradeep Kaluarachchi. This workshop is a novel concept of the College principal .