Inter-House Sport Meet 2019

The inter-house sports-meet 2019 of Richmond college was held on the 06th of February at the college Sneath ground  under the auspices of the renowned richmonddite, former sports’ captain of the college, superintendent of police, Mr. Vidura P.Jayasinghe.
Darrel house won the championship of the inter-house sports-meet 2019 while Sneath house became 1st runners up and Small house became 2nd runners up. Langdon house remains in the 4th place. .
Chanidu Lakhiru of Darrell house won the award for the best player under 12 category while Rehan Sithila Yapa of Sneath house won the award for the best player  under 14 category.

Sanuka Nanayakkara of Darrell house who was the best player  under 16  category and was able to break a inter-house sports-meet record in the shot put event. Risinu Randunu Liyanage of Darrell house won the award for the best athlete in under 18 category and Sports captain Binara Thaabrew won the award for the best athlete in under 20 category.
Harith Umayanga of Langdon house was the best athlete in junior catogory and Pasindu Lakshan of Darrell house was the best athlete in senior category while over all Charith Anuraha of Darrell house won the award for the best athlete for the year 2019.
Ceremonial march-past done by the grade 10 students and the drill display done by the grades 7,8 students made a flamboyant picture to event.

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